Friday, September 11, 2009

Sheep eat pears and apples. I had no idea they would. And I know they also love onions. It's the end of the growing season in Oregon -- and pastures and grass fields are empty. We've got some of Jake's sheep in our front pasture -- and they're a bit hungry at this time of year. So my parents have been picking the culls from their pear and apple trees to share with the sheep.

I love taking pictures. I love sharing them. I really want to become better and better at telling a story in a single snap. of the camera. (OK. Digitals don't really snap. but you get the idea.)

I live in a state that provides amazing scenery at every turn. And my family (endless entertainment!) live nearby. I have a fabulous job that I love. And I get to work with some inspiring and fun characters.

I want to share some of my favorite photos and the stories that go with them...